Business Advice and Updates on the Payment Industry

Comparing card processing companies: UTP, Lopay and Square
Over half of all payments made in the UK are now completed using a debit, credit card or digital wallet. As we move towards...

Apple users can now use tapeeno with Tap to Pay on iPhone
87% of us prefer to pay by contactless card. Whether it be our physical credit or debit card, or our digital wallets on our...

The UTP App is here
We are excited to announce the launch of the UTP App. We always listen to the feedback from you, our customers. One thing th...

How the Move3500 helped Studio One grow their business
"We're not your average salon." Located in Hastings, East Sussex, Studio One offers exceptional hairdressing and barbering s...

How the Move5000 helped Sussex Fruits improve deliveries
Sussex Fruits take their UTP card machine on deliveries, offering great service to the local community. Sussex Fruits is a ...

Restaurant trends for 2024
The restaurant industry in the UK is ever changing. Global events, (think COVID-19 and climate change) changing customer pre...

How does business VAT work?
We have all heard of VAT. But what is it and how can it impact your business? What is VAT? Value added tax (VAT) is the for...

How can UTP help your business become more sustainable?
For many small and medium-sized businesses, sustainability isn’t always a key focus. Yet, as the UK aims to reach net zerob...

Frequently asked questions when starting a new business
For many of us, entering a new year is a time for change. This can include picking up a hobby, going to the gym, or even st...

Year in review 2023
We have written many blogs to advise our customers with the financial highs and lows of this year. Let’s revisit and highlig...

Free things to do this Christmas
For many of us, the 1st of December is the start of Christmas. The temperature continues to drop, Christmas adverts...

Which eCommerce platform is best for your small business?
Online shopping, otherwise known aseCommerce, is becoming our preferred way to shop. Brick-and-mortar stores have noticed t...